Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009

Teroris Is Problem of World

Terrorists are people who do "meneror" activities of a region, country, person, or organization with the goal of making them targets of fear and they are subject to the authority.

Why Terrorists have in our life?
Actually since we are child, in fact we have already experienced what it is terror. What you think when you sleep. you have bad dreams. so that you can cause a serious depression. until you experience serious trauma.
According to the words of the wise, "there is definitely life in the white and black"
nah, that black is always a terror to make us afraid. black is also valid in the life of our state.

Why in nation and state terror reincarnate?
hmm ... many may ask why that terror must be in a country,
The answer is probably the discomfort of someone that is "considered" disrupt them, and they do so with terror activity against a region in a country.
part of the group said that the reason they attacked the government is disbelieved, there is also a "We fought against the unbelievers." is a small reason that I do in life in my country.

The Reason is Real?
actually when we think with common sense, reason is not reasonable.
as an obvious example is the terrorist in Indonesia with the "kingpin" is NOORDIN M TOP. he considers the terror network is the Jihad against the Kafir in indonesia. Jihad with the palace-building, where many people disbelieve (american people)
"Jihad (جهاد) is struggling with a seriously Syariat according to Islam.

Jihad carried out for the main mission, namely upholding human Din Din Allah or keep still upright, with the ways in accordance with the struggle of the Apostles and the Al-Quran. Jihad is the messenger who carried out so that people leave berdakwah idolatry and return to the rule of God, cleanse qalbu, to provide instruction to the community and educate people to comply with the purpose of their creation, namely to become caliph of God on earth. "

and what to do in Noordin M Top is really outside Syariat, Provençal with:
They destroyed the building-building is an asset that Negara Indonesia. Most of the victims and not The United States, but the state of Indonesia.
rather they berdakwah, but even the State of Indonesia. Unlike what the Prophet SAW.

*) Apologize if there is wrong in writing and Review. I just ordinary people who participated felt the impact due to terror in Indonesia

How to Stop the terror within us for life or a nation and state?

One of the best step is to run our function and our rights as a citizen. let the police / security state terror stop. but we also need to give moral and spritual support.

to stop the terror within us, we sebaiknyalah approach to the self ALMIGHTY. and think positive about life.


MP3 Player from Se-YI

good day friend ...
MP3 Music Player Yi Se-MF-1101 2GB (Alnect Computer)
follow the global development of the technology that the modern day only. one of them is data storage technology plus audio. just a Mp3 Music Player.

End - the end of this, many man of the world that make some use of technology in Mp3 music player that can also store data. why they prefer to use the mp3 music player with Flash disks compared to normal. jawabanya of music is mp3 player / flash disk mp3 King as the heart, tranquilizer soul, mind and tranquilizer when hearts confusion.

Yupz, bangets a part of the world community, especially indonesia says "music is a part of their lives." nah, you make - you are not having a flash disk mp3 well taken, ga nyusahin, capacity gede, 200 songs can you Hear on the flash disk mp3, and of course cheap. I suggest to buy the MP3 Music Player Yi Se-MF-1101 2GB

MP3 Player with 2 GB capacity product of se-yi is equipped with a clip clasp in the back, giving a sense of security when you drive and listen to music in the shopping center. because it can jepitkan in the pocket, pants pockets, shirt collar, or anywhere that makes you comfortable. simple design and slim mini options that are available in various stylish colors. Of portable and lightweight player is easier to take wherever you want as your favorite entertainment. One more, the cheaper the price be calculated Rp. 149,000 for goods that can make you feel comfortable using it.

This product is suitable for your spirited young and want to be different. mp3 with the style like this, can reflect a form of youth who have enjoy the characters, supple, and bijaksana.namun mp3 only be 1 hour only. because the design which i-pod shuffle. and the charge is 2 hours.